- International projects
LATESTadapt – Developing and demonstrating portfolio of nature based and smart solutions for improving urban climate resilience in Latvia and Estonia
The objective of the project is to increase resilience of Estonian and Latvian urban areas to extreme weather events, by focusing on four specific objectives: nature-based solution, digital change, quality of planning and engaged communities and skilled enablers. Project will be implemented by 16 Latvian and Estonian partners, and in close cross border cooperation, and the results will be transferred to other local governments in the Baltic region as well as to other EU Member States.
- National projects
Datu iegūšana un popularizēšana par zaļo lietus ūdeņu apsaimniekošanas risinājumu darbību Latvijas apstākļos
Projekta mērķis ir attīstīt un ieviest ilgtspējīgus lietus ūdens apsaimniekošanas risinājumus Latvijā, ņemot vērā Eiropas Savienības direktīvas un Latvijas normatīvos aktus.
Projektā tika iegūti dati par Latvijas ilgtspējīgo lietus ūdeņu apsaimniekošanas risinājumu darbības rezultātiem attiecībā uz hidrauliku un ūdens kvalitāti, kā arī dati par attīstības teritoriju grunšu hidrauliskiem parametriem. Iegūtie dati un izstrādātais materiāls sekmēs zaļo lietus ūdens apsaimniekošanas risinājumu ieviešanu, jo nodrošinās informāciju par ilgtspējīgo lietus ūdens risinājumu darbību Latvijas apstākļos. - International projects
The availability of compact and cost-efficient solutions for sustainable production of platform chemicals and higher value compounds is essential for renewables to become Europe’s dominant primary carbon source. NoviCo will contribute to achieve EU’s ambitious objectives, by providing an innovative technological solution for the sustainable and socially acceptable conversion of low-value lignocellulosic residues, such as thinnings, sawdust into biobased chemicals and materials precursors. The NoviCo consortium provides complimentary world-class expertise along the entire value chain and a strong commitment to maximise wide dissemination, communication, and exploitation of the results through industrial implementation.
- International projects
2020 - 2023
ITS-THIN is an international, interdisciplinary science project funded by the EU within the FET Open programme as part of the Horizon 2020 framework. It aims to develop a novel ultrathin membrane for the use in water filtration applications.
- International projects
Pilot PoVE Water
2019 - 2021
Pilot PoVE Water is a transnational project that draws on existing and emerging vocational competences and skills needs in the water sector translating them into an approach of vocational excellence. This ensures upward convergence of VET with (EU) knowledge triangles and a strong engagement with the regional economic and social ecosystems. The project intends to create the infrastructure necessary to embed vocational excellence in the water sector in Europe, thus laying the grounds for vocational curriculum development and consequently competence development of VET students.