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Vieslekcija “Spatially-structured microbial communities – novel concepts and methods “

23. maijā institūtā viesojās Porto Universitātes asociētais profesors Nuno F. Azevedo ar vieslekciju par jaunākajām metodēm bioplēves un mikroorganismu telpisko struktūru analīzē. Biofilmas un mikroorganismu struktūru analīzes pētījumi aizsākušies tieši sadarbībā ar RTU ŪSBI pētniekiem un šobrīd pētniecība Porto attīstījusies straujiem soļiem. Lekcijas laikā auditorija tika iepazīstināta ar jaunākajiem Porto Universitātes pētījumiem un izstrādātajām metodēm.

Lekcijas anotācija angļu valodā:

The view that microorganisms in nature live mostly isolated and that there is little interaction between microbial species has changed dramatically over the last decades. It is becoming more and more clear that, in many environments, microorganisms have a very “social” life and that the spatial structure of microbial cells can strongly determine the function of the microbial community as a whole. During his talk, prof. Nuno Azevedo will discuss how concepts related to spatially-structured microbial communities, e.g. biofilms, have evolved with time and are affecting current research trends that span from health, industry and the environment. State of the art approaches to spatially characterize biofilms and that are currently being implemented in his lab, such as spectral imaging fluorescence in situ hybridization and spatial transcriptomics, will also be discussed.

Vairāk par asociētā profesora darbību iespējams uzzināt šeit.

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