Water Systems and Biotechnology Institute
The Institute is composed of researchers from different fields, thus facilitating a multifaceted approach to addressing issues in specific scientific fields.
Learn more about our study programmes
Study programmes
The Institute participates in the implementation of several study programmes at the bachelor's, master's and doctoral level.
Heat, gas and water technology
- Professional bachelor's studies
- 5 years
- Latvian
- Professional bachelor's degree in heat, gas and water engineering systems / civil engineer of engineering systems
Biotechnology and Bioengineering (joint program with the University of Latvia)
- Academic bachelor's studies
- 3 years
- English
- Bachelor of Science in Biology
Research fields
Research fields
- Identification and characterization of microorganisms in water, wastewater and environmental samples with conventional and alternative methods.
- Fungal enzyme production technologies and applications;
- Biomass valorization technologies and biorefinery solutions;
- Fermentation studies;
- Waste and industrial by-product biodegradation technologies;
- Biofuel production technologies
Water cycle
- Treatment technologies for both groundwater and surface drinking water, such as coagulation, filtration and disinfection;
- Drinking water quality control and distribution network improvement, including quality modeling;
- Online monitoring of water networks;
- Wastewater treatment technologies and process management;
- Microalgae technologies for improved wastewater treatment, microalgae harvesting technologies;
- Recovery of resources from wastewater and sewage sludge;
- Wastewater epidemiology for reducing health risks.
News and Events
Seminar “Bioenergy Technologies and Biotechnologies”
2024. gada 17. oktobrī RTU Starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences ietvaros norisināsies ŪSBI rīkotais ikgadējais seminārs "Bioenerģijas tehnoloģijas un biotehnoloģijas". This year we have three topics, and each of them will have a separate sessions in the seminar: We would also like to welcome students in these fields to participate in the poster session, which will also…